Brand development and Marketing strategy

Successful brand development means not only a beautiful logo, but especially a pronounced value proposition: What does the brand stand for and what should it radiate? In tourism terms, this value proposition is made tangible through a product policy and communication strategy that is coordinated with the brand. This creates experiences and offers that are precisely tailored to the needs of the users, trigger emotions and fulfil expectations.

Values, Identity, Mission statement and Performance Promise

Brand development always means dealing with one's own identity. And this often goes into emotional depth! Here are a few examples of questions that are always part of our brand processes:

  • Where do we come from, where do we want to go?
  • What are our values? What identity do we have? What drives us?
  • What is our vision, what is our mission and what does our mission statement look like?
  • How can our values and identity be told through stories and made tangible for tourists?
  • How can the brand be managed in the future, where should it be used?
  • What are the prerequisites for brand management and where are there any obstacles that need to be overcome?

Only when these and other questions have been clarified do we move on to the visualisation and development of a corporate design and the development of a marketing strategy or advertising campaign. This order is essential. But: You can also fill gaps and work with what is already there.

If this is also the case for you: Feel free to contact us, there are solutions, also for the following situations:

  • A logo was developed only in a very narrow circle and without a participation process and now it is not used.
  • An existing logo does not match what tourism wants to radiate
  • Graphic design agencies ask for a brand briefing and corporate design when creating flyers or trade fair stands, but none is available.

With our branding process, no logo ends up in a drawer any more!

Brand or Umbrella Brand?

Every destination is a brand in itself, even the very small ones. The only question is how powerful smaller brands are. That is why more and more smaller tourism brands are joining forces to form an umbrella brand. This is a challenging process, because now completely different interest groups, identities and stakeholders have to be reconciled! The art is to work out what unites them and to create a sharp brand profile among all the heterogeneity. An umbrella brand must also be clearly defined, needs clear goals, a common approach and a stringent implementation of the agreed strategy.

Competitive brand owners are those who have managed to jointly develop a sustainable vision, to define tourism products for an authentic brand experience and to sit in the same boat with all participants even after the branding process has been completed.

Photo: Wolfgang Ehn.
Photo: Wolfgang Ehn.

Your brand has been developed - now it should be managed and passed on to tourism partners as well as end customers with the right strategy. The best prerequisite for the development of a marketing concept or a marketing strategy is a jointly developed brand. At this point at the latest, it is important to identify target groups, to convey a clear profile and value proposition of the destination and to make this tangible with key themes and key products. Then it's about staging the brand: telling stories, bringing a brand to life authentically, enabling trust and arousing the sympathy of both guests and locals.

Our key buildings for brand development

  • Status quo analysis: What is the status quo of the brand, what is already available that should be used further? Are there gaps or a need for development?
  • Definition of values, identity and value proposition
  • Joint workshops with all stakeholders
  • Development of a "storytelling" 
  • Target group oriented communication and marketing of the product